A summary of the medieval story Der arme Heinrich by Hartmann von Aue. If you enjoyed the now-defunct website The Toast, you might like this too. If not…I have other posts. Go here if you’ve never seen an American pharmaceutical ad.

Are you covered in disgusting sores? Losing fingers and toes? Suffering from gangrene and blindness? Afraid your nose will collapse? Then ask your doctor if the blood of a virgin is right for you!
The lifeblood of a virgin of marriageable age is an exciting new treatment from Salerno Pharma.
You’ll notice a difference as soon as the knife is plunged into her innocent heart. Before you know it, you’ll be back to doing all the things you love – Riding! Jousting! Falconry! Playing the lute!

So don’t wait – find a girl to sacrifice and start living your best life ever – TODAY!
*Side effects of sacrificing a virgin may include dry mouth, crippling guilt, PTSD, and an eternity in Hell. Some users may experience revenge murder by girl’s family. Do not use The Blood of a Virgin if you already suffer from nightmares or insomnia.
Heinrich: What?
Pharma rep: What?
Heinrich: That last part was really fast…what did you say?
Pharma rep: Oh nothing, just some random words. If you’re not sure about the treatment, look, I have a coupon. Our doctors in Salerno are just great. You’ll be so glad you did it!
Heinrich: OK: you’re saying if I go to Salerno and have a doctor stab some young lady in the heart, while I just sit there and watch, I’ll be cured and I can go back to running my estate and doing everything I used to do? How do I even arrange this thing? Can I kidnap an orphan who is definitely a bad person?
Pharma rep: Actually, she has to sacrifice herself willingly, otherwise it doesn’t work.
Heinrich: &#%@$!@#*%$#%#&! Nobody’s going to do that! Get lost, I have mud to wallow in.
Peasant girl: I could help you
Heinrich: You don’t know what you’re talking about, girl.
Girl: I want to die
Heinrich: Girl, you’ve been nicer to me than all my noble friends. I’m not going to kill you! Go help your mom card wool.
Girl: Mom, I totally want to die
Mom: Carding wool’s not that bad, honey.
Girl: No, to help Heinrich and then I’ll go to Heaven – Win-win!
Mom: Well I don’t know about that dear…
Girl: I want to go to Heaven! What’s the point in waiting? This place is, like, a complete vale of tears
Mom: Ask your father.
Heinrich: So you’re really sure you want to do this?
Girl: YES!
Heinrich: You don’t want to turn around? We can turn around.
Girl: NO!
Heinrich: Fine. When we get to Salerno, let’s have some Limoncello. It’s pretty good, it might even make you want to live, ha ha….

Heinrich: So I guess this it is, girl. Thanks for helping me when I was down and also agreeing to be murdered…you’re the best. I’ll nail a piece of your sleeve to my shield for tournaments.
Girl: Whatevs
Doctor: Lie down here, girl. You’re going to feel some pressure…
Girl: AMEN
Doctor: Oh wait this isn’t the right knife…where’s the really, really sharp one?
Heinrich: STOP! No, no, no. I can’t do this to you, girl. Get up.
Doctor: You still owe me 200 ducats for my time.
Heinrich: Back to Swabia, then…
Girl: Coward! I hate you!
Heinrich: You know, I feel better. A lot better. Look at my hands! Do you think God is rewarding me for being selfless?
Girl: Why are you even asking me things
Heinrich: I’m cured! Let’s think about what this all means.
Girl: Do we have to
Heinrich: God punished me with leprosy because I was too worldly. And you, girl, honestly you could stand to be more worldly. You know what would balance this all out? If we got married.
Girl: OK that makes a kind of sense

Image citations: 1. Medieval leper bell at the museum Ribes Vikinger, Ribe, Denmark 2. Hartmann von Aue in the Codex Manesse, http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cpg848/0364 3. Sheep pen from Luttrell Psalter, British Library 4. Man riding donkey in the Penitential Psalms, from The Dunois Hours, France (Paris), c. 1339 – c. 1450, Yates Thompson MS 3, f. 162r British Library 5. Can’t find a specific citation for this one, just a statement that it’s in the public domain. 6. Donkey, man loading bag. England c.1236. Harley 3244 British Library 7. Royal MS 6 E VI, f. 104r British Library